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ஐ.-.ஐ.-.ஐ.-.LaLeXa Portál.-.ஐ.-.ஐ.-.ஐ




Indulás: 2006-01-29

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Óóótóóók :)

: The Fast and The Fourious 3

The Fast and The Fourious 3

Folyt.köv... Yup, Fast and the Furious 3 title has changed again and is now Tokyo Drift. Universal have it as a tent pole for next summer and have set its release date as 16th June 2006. Hát...sokmindenki szerint az első két része jobb volt... Nem mondok semmit...A kocsi a lényeg!!! :)))

Item Posted by: Gary Gray:

Yup, Fast and the Furious 3 title has changed again and is now Tokyo Drift. Added to that some more casting has been announced with Brian Tee, Nikki Griffin, Sung Kang, Jason Tobin and newcomer Nathalie Kelley. Sounds ever more like a direct to video cheapo doesn't it, but apparently not. Universal have it as a tent pole for next summer and have set its release date as 16th June 2006. The synopsis has also been revealed: "Tokyo Drift" follows the story of Shaun Boswell (Black), who has always been an outsider. A loner at school, his only connection to the indifferent world around him is through illegal street racing -- which has made him particularly unpopular with the local authorities. To avoid jail time, Shaun is sent out of the country to live with his uncle in the military, in a cramped apartment in a low-rent section of Tokyo. In the land that gave birth to the majority of modified racers on the road, the simple street race has been replaced by the ultimate pedal-to-the-metal, gravity-defying automotive challenge ... drift racing, a deadly combination of brutal speed on heart stopping courses of hairpin turns and switchbacks. For his first unsuccessful foray in drift racing, Shaun unknowingly takes on D.K., the "Drift King," with ties to the Yakuza, the Japanese crime machine. The only way he can pay off the debt of his loss is to venture into the deadly realm of the Tokyo underworld, where the stakes are life and death.



Credited cast:

April Betts .... Cheerleader
Lucas Black .... Shaun Boswell
Daniel Booko .... Clay's buddy
Brandon Brendel .... Clay's Buddy #1
Zachery Ty Bryan .... Clay
Stefanie Budiman .... Cowgirl
Max Charles .... Stilts
Greg D'Agostino
Caroline de Souza Correa .... Isabella
Drew Michael Gallagher .... Student
Ashika Gogna .... Cheerleader
Nikki Griffin
Henry Jaderlund .... Jacob
Sung Kang
Masa Kanome .... Tea-Hair Gang
Nathalie Kelley
Keiko Kitagawa
Branden Weslee Kong .... Skateboarder
Collin Leonard .... Blackie
Tara Louise .... Cheerleader
Joan May .... Blonde Ghetto Girl
Leonardo Nam
Tyler Nelson .... Mascot
Eriq F. Prince .... Navy Working Class Officer
Trey Sanford .... Bully
Lindzi Scharf .... Cheerleader
Amber Stevens
Don Tai .... Basher

Brian Tee .... D.K.
David V. Thomas .... Clay's Buddy D
Jason J. Tobin
Bow Wow .... Twinkie
Jade Wu .... Tea-Hair Gang




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